"Breakaway I & II" are acrylic pourings on canvas, 18x24" each. For the past few days I've been experimenting with a new technique involving acrylic pouring on either panel or canvas. There are a couple of different mediums that can be added to the paint to enhance the flow factor (and slow drying). You can also add silica to the paint which creates a resist. Then after the paint is applied and starts to set up, you hit it with a blowtorch to bring up and pop the silica bubbles/beads. That creates spots in the paint surface where under-layers can rise up and interact with the top layers. As with any water medium, you can also spray it with water to create washes and bleeds or alcohol to add further resistance. All very interesting and all very out-of-control and wait-and-see. You can tilt the substrate to manipulate the paints, which can be cool but also be a disaster. It's a trial and error process but the results, when they are successful, are beautiful. So I could better focus on the process, I kept the composition of these two very simple.