Tuesday, April 25, 2017

"Aquarius" is 48x87", aluminum panel.  It's not a painting.  The water shapes were created with a large metal grinder. 

This piece is based entirely on reflection.  It changes and breathes as you walk past it. 

Water has long been a favorite subject for me (like so many artists) because of its movement and line.  I've been wanting to experiment with painting water on metal to play with that literal reflectivity of the material.  My original plan for this piece was to grind in some shapes, then paint the water on top, then hit it with the grinder again for highlights.  However, as I started building the water content just with the grinder, the simplicity of that and the sparkly results grew more and more appealing.  Ultimately the consensus from me and my colleagues was to let it be all about the throw of light and not add paint.  Sadly, it doesn't photograph all that well, but you get the idea.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

"Venice Shadows, 2017" is acrylic on canvas, 48x36".  I have many projects in process and last week I just really needed to start something and finish it.  I decided to go with a familiar and blissful subject matter for me (and lots of people, I imagine).  The photograph hides a lot of the subtlety in the darks but it's good enough.  I took this picture in Venice in 2004 while on a visit there with my dad.  This could be the view in any of a thousand spots in that little city.  I'll be posting at a better pace here soon as I start wrapping up various things in the works.  Happy Thursday!